コンサート見てるの時👀、キャーキャーしてな時はある🤩、泣いちゃたな時もある😢! 見っての後で、やパリ劇場行きたいです、日本も行きたいです🇯🇵!
After watching the concert, I realised that I really want to go to Japan, to watch the theatre performances. The solo concert was wonderful and you’re beautiful. I fangirled, I laughed and I cried, it is amazing that one can bring out so many emotions out of others, you’re amazing. I’m still learning Japanese, slowly but surely getting there. I hope that I’ll be able to meet you at theatre and handshake event when I visit Japan! You’re a great performer! I’ll try my best to make the cut to go to Japan^^
Also, I would love to buy the DVD when it comes out.