
アフリカの広大なサバンナで、動物たちの王であるライオンのムファサの子として生まれたシンバは、いつか父のような偉大な王になることを夢見ながら成長していく。しかし、ある時、王位を狙う叔父スカーの策略によって父の命を奪われ、シンバ自身もサバンナを追われてしまう。やがてたどりついた緑豊かなジャングルで、イボイノシシのプンバァとミーアキャットのティモンといった新たな仲間との出会いを得たシンバは、過去を忘れて穏やかに時を過ごしていく。一方、スカーが支配するサバンナは次第に荒れ果て、存続の危機が迫っていた。 /

The Lion King
  • tamawatate

    Watch Kralj lavova Movie Online Blu-rayor Bluray rips directly from Blu-ray discs to 1080p or 720p (depending on source) and uses the x264 codec.

  • tamawatate

    I was 7 when this came out watched about 10 times during that year in school. I'm embarrassed I didnt recognize it's Zulu words being sang until just recently( yes I'm Zulu. in fact just now as I was watching Beauty and Beast song this was suggested. Mr Lebo M what a piece of work.

  • tamawatate

    Scar was stripped of his vile yet humorous characteristics we saw on his face and body language in "Be Prepared" from the 1994 animation. Beyonce was a complete joke. Sure, her musical talent showed well in the songs, but her lines otherwise throughout the movie fell flat. When I walked out of the theater I basically summed it up with my own one word Lion King has now been, National-Geograhicallized." It was a less than stellar performance and subpar to the original 1994 film.