ティンティン2017年08月28日 21:15しゅしゅ〜アイドルめせん〜In relation to my work, I'm a friend of team8 member. I can speaking writing and reading English, so please feel free to comment on my talk(^^) I will.👌😁
ティンティン7年前しゅしゅ〜アイドルめせん〜Good afternoon! Thank you for your watching! I'm a member of an idol group, and love team8 !Hello~~Thanks😊
ティンティン7年前しゅしゅ〜アイドルめせん〜In relation to my work, I'm a friend of team8 member. I can speaking writing and reading English, so please feel free to comment on my talk(^^) I will.👌😁
ティンティン7年前しゅしゅ〜アイドルめせん〜In fun community, we share a lot of information about the member, activity,handshaking meeting etc. If you are interested in Team8/Kasumi's fan community, let me know without hesitation😊I'm Kasumin推し😁1