
For anyone who had a chace to look at game's announcements after the maintenance, what's your take on that? How do you feel, that after major fuck up and screwing over a lot of people (FP issue), a ton of bugs after (a few fixed, rest left without response) and total lack or even misleading communication now we don't even get a small "We're sorry". No, we get reminded, that we're bad players and we should feel ashamed of abusing game's exploits. Now for the record, I never used nor I'm going..

Mind Game
  • etsukasuri

    15.05.2018 / Frank. Liebe Game-Pointler, am Freitag ist der nächste Game-Point-Spieleabend – und Folgendes solltet ihr heute schon wissen: - Nominiert für die Wahl zum Spiel des Jahres 2018: Azul, Luxor, The Mind..

  • etsukasuri

    The Mind. The Mind ist mehr als nur ein Spiel. Es ist ein Experiment, eine Reise, total einfach und die genialste Team-Erfahrung, die man machen kann..

  • etsukasuri

    Let's do a detailed rundown of the details we know so far: * Ana's report describes 4 heroes on a mission in Istanbul. The fact that Reinhardt is being commended for saving Torb's life is another standout detail. * When Jeff was asked about a hint for Hero 27, it was right before the tweet with Ana's report went out. So we know Ana's report has to do with Hero 27. * Torb's letter to Ingrid indicates that he loses an arm, that Ingrid is about to go into labor, and that Reinhardt gets to be the..

  • etsukasuri

    It’s time to celebrate. the re-launch of [my website]( with an AMA (because it’s been a while). "It's 99% the athlete and 1% the coach." Robert Yip IMT (where did you get this quote? or is it yours Robert) **Previous AMAs** * [October 2014]( * [June 2015]( *..

  • etsukasuri

    petition for andy milonakis to take ice poseidon to Cx Court, hes been calling ice out for over a year and has no time for his mind games lt3 where u at daddy turtle xx.