
Take a tenner, two hours of your day and go see for yourselves because all of my friends loved it. I'm posting what I didn't like farther down so if people want to know they have to look knowing there might be spoilers ahead.

Zombieland: Double Tap
  • yasuzuira

    I felt the jokes fell flat more often than they should have. I laughed when other people laughed bc I wasn't sure when to on my own. (And my sense of humor is ridiculously acute, I will literally laugh at fart sounds.)

  • yasuzuira

    Some of the same jokes went on way too long, others were explained unnecessarily, as if the audience was lacking basic understanding in the art of subtlety and the underlying meaning of the frequently employed double entendres.

  • yasuzuira

    The acting rangely hollow? Like they were relying on the hype from the first movie to carry them through this one and therefore didn't give the characters the same refreshing zeal as before.

  • yasuzuira

    The characters, as a result of. didn't work as well together this time, and bringing in two more characters based off two of the original characters only to kill them off comedically ten minutes later was a literal waste of time. (And money, that could have been used to make the movie a tiny little bit better.)

  • yasuzuira

    There was no actual sense of danger, or even a small jump scare, through the entire film. Jump scares are always fun, and there was not even ONE.

  • yasuzuira

    They relied on nostalgia WAY too much and it was more and more obvious the longer the movie went on.