
Did You Wonder Who Fired the Gun? - Buy movie tickets, find showtimes, read reviews, see trailers and more on MovieTickets, Did You Wonder Who Fired The Gun? - facebook, Did You Wonder Who Fired the Gun? - MovieTickets, Formally audacious and emotionally powerful: a meditation on conscience and responsibility, in the context of a documentary on race in the American. Did You Wonder Who Fired the Gun? Bande-annonce VO, une vidéo et des extraits de, bande annonce de 01:04 à voir en streaming sur CinéSéries. Alabama, 1946. S.E. Branch, a Southern racist and director Travis Wilkerson’s great-grandfather, murdered Bill Spann, a black man. The murder has become hidden. DID YOU WONDER WHO FIRED THE GUN ? : 1eres curieuses images d'un doc en compet' à Locarno. Alabama, 1946. S.E. Branch, un raciste blanc du Sud et l’arrière grand, The Belcourt - DID YOU WONDER WHO FIRED THE GUN?..

Did You Wonder Who Fired the G